
Montag, 3. Februar 2014

Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2013

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2014 - ISBN 978-92-79-35281-2 (web) - ISSN 2315-2540 (web) - doi:10.2767/59315 (web)
This year’s review offers an in-depth and wide-ranging review of key labour market and social challenges facing the EU as it slowly emerges from recession. Where will Europe’s new jobs come from in an increasingly competitive global economy? Will active inclusion policies support help address rising levels of poverty among those of working age? Will the improvement in the position of women on the labour market during the crisis be sustained or slip away with the recovery? Is the divisive issue of undeclared work being effectively addressed? Will all Member States progress equally, or do the weakest risk falling further behind? Have national social security systems been effective and efficient in maintaining incomes during the recession and in addressing their longer-term goals? Do we need to adapt the ways we measure economic and social progress in order to take proper account of inequalities?

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