
Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

Call for tender - Open procedure no. VT/2013/041 " Pilot project for the development of a common methodology on reference budgets”

The subject of this contract is to support and promote, through a pilot project, the strengthening of an active inclusion strategy in the European Union, ensuring that all people have the resources necessary to lead a life in dignity. This will be done through the development of a common methodology on reference budgets developed by a network of experts on minimum income and reference budgets (herein after referred to as the "Reference Budget Network"). The network will give an overview on the current state of play on reference budget practices at national, regional, and local level in the EU; analyse them in-depth (including transferability across countries) and draw conclusions on key features (political, methodological and analytical) for the successful use of reference budgets. Based on this analysis, the network of experts will develop a common methodology and reference budgets for the 28 Member States for three types of households (single, one adult with two children, and two adults and two children) for the capital region of each Member State. Deadline of the call: 28th august 2013.

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