With financial elder abuse constituting a growing problem
across the globe, it is important to engage in a discussion about online
banking and how this could curb or aggravate the problem. Visit the blog to
learn more about emerging issues in the field of ageing. Share your
thoughts and comments!
This blog is operated by the coordinator of the GRUNDTVIG-project "Social Inclusion and Dignity in Old Age-Promoting participatory approaches to use reference budgets", looking at innovative initiatives and learning methods to strengthen the ability of older people to manage on a low income and checking how to use “reference budgets”. The purpose of this blog is to facilitate a discussion around european debates in the field of social inclusion and financial education of older people.
Donnerstag, 29. August 2013
Mittwoch, 28. August 2013
Cities for Active Inclusion Final Conference
Cities for Active Inclusion will present the findings from
three years of research at this high-level event that will take place on 25
September in Brussels.
Full agenda and registration: http://www.eurocities-nlao.eu/nlao/news/Cities-for-Active-Inclusion-Final-Conference-WSWE-968CWV
Montag, 12. August 2013
European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: Final Report and summaries in different languages now available!
Survey of
the EU local and regional authorities on the Europe 2020 "European
Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion" Flagship Initiative
Almost three years after the launch of Europe 2020, the Committee of the
Regions has launched a broad assessment of the Strategy.
SHARE Wave 4 Book Launch
On June 27th 2013 the publication of „Active Ageing and
Solidarity between Generations. First Results from SHARE after the Economic
Crisis” as well as the official launch of Wave 4 have been celebrated in
Brussels. The book itself is available as an open access version right here. 33 chapters provide a
detailed overview of the effects the economic crisis had on the lives of older
people in 16 European countries.
Sonntag, 11. August 2013
European Conference on Household Finance 20./21.09.2013
The Center
on Sustainable Architecture for Finance (SAFE) at Goethe University Frankfurt,
the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) and the Swedish House of
Finance (SHoF), with additional support from the Sloan Foundation, are
organizing a conference on Household Finance. The objective is to present
state-of-theart empirical research and empirically motivated theoretical
research on household financial behavior and on how this is influenced by other
choices, government policies, and the overall economic environment.
Donnerstag, 1. August 2013
Financial inclusion and new means of payment
Qualitative review in five European
countries - May 2013
Study commissioned by EUFFI, the European
Foundation for Financial Inclusion
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